The data used for this database was collected as part of a study carried out by Christiane Rothländer on Austrians working as guards and in the camp SS at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. So far, 163 persons could be identified by name.

Database of perpetrators at Auschwitz


Last name:
Heschl, Dr.
First name:
Date of birth:
28.10.1911 (auch 28.11.1911)
Place of birth:
Graz (auch Andritz), Stmk
Time at Auschwitz:
04.09.1941-20.11.1941: Kommandantur-Stab KZ Auschwitz/Abt. V - Lagerarzt 12.05.1942: Kommandantur-Stab KZ Auschwitz/Abt. V - Truppenarzt
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